We were present at the Rural Brandsexhibition Exhibition, it was made of the 17 To 20 October In it we were presenting and marketing our wide variety of products for the field.-
Famacon S.a.. Olavarria Rural Expo and 25 May The same was done on 12 and 13 October, on this occasion Famacon S.A exhibited its lines of Mills, drinkers, Submersible solar pumps, etc Proud to be present and to know our wide line of […]
Famacon S.a.. was present at the Expo Rio Cuarto, it was done by the 4 To 8 September. On this occasion we are proud to be able to be presenting and marketing our entire product line for the field.-
The Sabbath day 19 November of 2016, We have shared a day with some customers in our plant Industrial, where have observed the process of manufacturing our products. In the visit in addition to observe the different processes of production. We have explained throughout the process, Since the arrival of the […]
The Sabbath day 24 in September of 2016, We have shared a day with some customers in our plant Industrial, where have observed the process of manufacturing our products. In the visit in addition to observe the different processes of production. We have explained throughout the process, Since the arrival of […]
The commemoration was instituted in memory of the first colonizing Argentine farming company, founded in hope (province of Santa Fe) on the initiative of don Aarón Castellanos. The 28 August of 1944, by Decree No. 23.317, the Argentine Government instituted the day of agriculture […]
The Sabbath day 13 August, We were providing a day of training in the town of Benito Juarez, together with our distributor "Rural Chorengo", the Conference dealt with different aspects related to the functioning and the benefits of the hurricane mill machine. From Famacon S.A. Thank you to the people who […]
Tiger started eighth and with the passing of turns was approaching the tip. He came second in track, but the exclusion of Esquivel, the balcarceno won the competition. Will have advantage in the play off. A great year is having the Tiger Diorio on TC Rioplatense. […]
“In San Esteban we can find other curiosity: a mill designed and built by Gustave Eiffel. The same, After being acquired in the Rural exhibition in Buenos Aires by Maria Olmos Harilaos, the then Governor of Córdoba Don Ambrosio Olmos family, It was installed in St. Stephen in the early years […]
We were present at Expo Liberia 2013, 2014 and 2015, and we're already beating Edition 2016 that begins in the next few weeks from FAMACON S.A. We are proud to be present from more than 5 years in Costa Rica, marketing our products through Comercializadora hurricane in the region of […]